Spring trivia questions for kids

Spring Trivia Questions, Fun Facts, and Jokes for Kids

Spring is in the air, and what better way to welcome the season of spring than with a burst of spring-themed trivia! Whether you’re a teacher looking for an educational resource or an Easter party game, a parent seeking an entertaining activity for long, Spring Break car rides or family gatherings, or just someone eager to celebrate the start of spring, you’re sure to have a great time with our trivia questions (answer key included!).

For extra fun, stick around til the end for interesting facts about animals and spring-themed jokes.

Spring trivia questions for kids

Trivia Questions for Toddlers and Preschoolers (Ages 2-5)

  1. What season comes after winter when flowers start to bloom?
  2. Can you name a baby sheep?
  3. What do bees collect from flowers to make honey?
  4. How many legs does a butterfly have?
  5. What do we use to measure rain?
  6. Which animal is known for hopping around with its long ears?
  7. What color is the sun?
  8. Name a furry animal that comes out to play after a long winter nap.
  9. What do ducks like to swim in?
  10. Can you imitate the sound a bird makes?


  1. Spring
  2. Lamb
  3. Nectar
  4. Six
  5. Rain gauge
  6. Bunny/Rabbit
  7. Yellow
  8. Bear
  9. Pond or Lake
  10. Tweet-tweet!

Trivia Questions for Early Elementary (Ages 6-8)

  1. What is the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly called?
  2. How many petals does a typical daisy have?
  3. Which insect is famous for its bright, colorful wings and pollinating flowers?
  4. What is the name of the process plants use to make their own food?
  5. Which season is known for its rain showers and blooming flowers?
  6. What is the name of the equinox that occurs in spring?
  7. Which small, buzzing insect makes honey in hives?
  8. Name a bird known for its beautiful song and vibrant feathers.
  9. What tool do gardeners use to dig small holes for planting seeds?
  10. What is the term for the young plant that grows from a seed?


  1. Metamorphosis
  2. Daisy usually has 34-36 petals
  3. Butterfly
  4. Photosynthesis
  5. Spring
  6. Vernal Equinox
  7. Bee
  8. Nightingale/Robin
  9. Trowel
  10. Seedling

Trivia Questions for Upper Elementary (Ages 9-11)

  1. In what month does spring officially start in the Northern Hemisphere?
  2. What is the phenomenon where flowers release pollen into the air for reproduction?
  3. Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
  4. Name three migratory birds that return in spring.
  5. What is the purpose of a plant’s roots?
  6. In spring, what type of storm is known for its strong winds and often accompanies thunder and lightning?
  7. Which famous festival is celebrated in Japan during cherry blossom season?
  8. What is the scientific term for a baby plant inside a seed?
  9. What tool do meteorologists use to measure wind speed?
  10. Which reptile is known for its ability to change color to match its surroundings?


  1. March
  2. Pollination
  3. Mars
  4. Swallow, Hummingbird, Warbler
  5. Absorption of water and nutrients
  6. Thunderstorm
  7. Hanami
  8. Embryo
  9. Anemometer
  10. Chameleon

Baby animals in spring

Topic: Animal Babies in Spring

  1. What is a baby sheep called?
  2. What is a baby rabbit called?
  3. What is the term for a baby bird that has just hatched?
  4. Which animal gives birth to a calf?
  5. What do we call a baby duck?


  1. Lamb
  2. Bunny/Kit
  3. Chick
  4. Cow
  5. Duckling

Topic: Springtime Flyers

  1. Which colorful insect is known for its fluttering wings and pollinating flowers?
  2. Name a bird that is known for its vibrant feathers and is often associated with tropical climates.
  3. What is the largest mammal on Earth, known for its magnificent tail?
  4. Which bird is famous for its long, migratory journeys and distinctive “v” formations in the sky?
  5. Can you name an insect that produces honey?


  1. Butterfly
  2. Parrot
  3. Whale (Blue Whale)
  4. Geese
  5. Bee

Topic: Animals in Springtime Habitats

  1. Which reptile is known for basking in the sun on logs near water?
  2. What furry creature is often associated with burrows and emerges to see its shadow in early spring?
  3. Which animal, known for its long ears, is a symbol of good luck?
  4. Name a nocturnal mammal that is associated with Easter and lays eggs.
  5. Which insect is famous for creating intricate underground tunnels?


  1. Turtle
  2. Groundhog
  3. Rabbit
  4. Bunny (Easter Bunny)
  5. Ant
Spring bird

Topic: Springtime Singers

  1. What tiny insect is known for its loud nighttime chorus during spring?
  2. Name a bird that is recognized for its melodious song and is often associated with the arrival of spring.
  3. Which amphibian is known for its distinctive ribbit sound in ponds during spring?
  4. What is the buzzing insect that gathers nectar from flowers and makes honey?
  5. Can you name a bird that is known for its colorful plumage and mimicking sounds?


  1. Cricket
  2. Nightingale
  3. Frog
  4. Bee
  5. Mockingbird

Topic: Spring Equinox

21. What is the scientific term for the event that marks the first day of spring when day and night are nearly equal in length?
22. In the Northern Hemisphere, on what date does the spring equinox usually occur?
23. What is another name for the first day of spring?
24. During the spring equinox, which pole is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun?
25. In the Southern Hemisphere, when does the spring equinox occur?
26. What is the significance of the spring equinox for people in the Southern Hemisphere?
27. During the spring equinox, what is the approximate duration of day and night?
28. What is the opposite season to spring in the Southern Hemisphere?
29: At the North Pole during the spring equinox, what phenomenon occurs with sunlight?


21. Spring Equinox
22. March 20th or 21st
23. Vernal Equinox
24. North Pole
25. Around September 22nd
26. It marks the beginning of spring in the Southern Hemisphere
27. Approximately 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness
28. Autumn
29. It marks the end of the polar night, and sunlight returns to the North Pole

Family trivia night

Ideas for How to Use These Trivia Questions:

Family Trivia Night:

Gather the family for a lively spring trivia game night filled with spring-themed trivia. Divide into teams and see who can answer the most questions correctly. It’s a fantastic way to bond and learn together.

Spring Classroom Activity: 

Teachers can incorporate these trivia questions into their lesson plans as multiple-choice questions on a set of worksheets or flash cards during the spring season. It’s a great way to reinforce knowledge about nature, animals, and the changing environment.

Spring Birthday Party: 

Hosting a birthday party during the spring? Add a trivia session to the festivities. Create age-appropriate trivia cards or set up a trivia corner for the young guests to enjoy trivia games.

Scavenger Hunt Add-On: 

Enhance a springtime scavenger hunt by including trivia questions at each stop. Kids can answer questions related to the items they find as a fun way to add an educational twist to the outdoor adventure.

Spring Camp Activities: 

If you’re organizing a spring camp for kids, infuse some educational entertainment into the schedule. Trivia contests or a spring trivia quiz can add an extra layer of enjoyment to the camp experience.

Nature Walks and Hikes: 

Take advantage of the blooming season by integrating trivia into nature walks or hikes. Pause at different points to ask questions related to the environment and wildlife.

Rainy Day Indoor Fun: 

On those rainy spring days, keep the boredom at bay by hosting an indoor trivia session. It’s a delightful way for kids to learn something new while staying entertained.

Weekend Family Outings: 

Whether you’re headed to a botanical garden, zoo, or nature reserve, use trivia questions to turn the outing into an educational adventure. Test each other’s knowledge while exploring the wonders of spring.

Family camping

Interesting Facts About Animal Moms and Dads in Spring Months

Spring is not just a season of blooming flowers and warmer days; it’s also a time when animal parents showcase incredible care for their offspring. Let’s explore some fun facts about how different animals embrace parenthood during this season of the year.

Bird Nesting Bonanza:

In spring, many bird species engage in intricate nest-building activities. Robins, for example, meticulously build cup-shaped nests using twigs, grass, and mud. They carefully select secure locations to protect their eggs and create a cozy haven for their chicks.

Mammal Motherhood:

Mammals also celebrate motherhood in spring. Rabbits, known for their prolific breeding, create intricate burrows called warrens for their kits. Mother rabbits, called does, line the nests with fur to keep their babies warm and protected from the elements.

Butterfly Life Cycle:

Butterflies go through a remarkable transformation during spring. The process starts with a tiny egg laid by a female butterfly. Once the caterpillar hatches, it munches on leaves until it forms a chrysalis. In spring, these chrysalises burst open, revealing beautiful butterflies ready to explore the world.

Ducklings on the Move:

Ducks are known for their adorable ducklings, and spring is the time when these fluffy youngsters make their debut. Duck moms, called hens, lead their ducklings to water shortly after hatching. They teach them to swim, find food, and navigate their surroundings.

Hibernating Hedgehogs:

While hedgehogs hibernate during winter, spring marks a busy time for these spiky creatures. Mother hedgehogs, called sows, wake up from hibernation and begin to care for their hoglets. They build nests from leaves and grass, providing a warm and secure space for their little ones.

Groundhog Family Life:

Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are solitary animals except during the spring mating season. Female groundhogs, called sows, give birth to a litter of pups in late spring or early summer. They create burrows with separate chambers for sleeping and raising their young.

Fox Dens:

Foxes are known for their intelligence and adaptability. In spring, female foxes, called vixens, give birth to a litter of adorable fox kits. They create dens, often hidden in tall grass or under sheds, to keep their kits safe and protected.

Squirrel Motherhood:

Squirrels exhibit strong maternal instincts during spring. Mother squirrels build nests, called dreys, high up in trees using twigs and leaves. They carefully line the dreys with soft materials to create a cozy space for their babies.

Spring is truly a season of new beginnings and family adventures in the animal kingdom. Keep an eye out for these heartwarming scenes as you explore nature this spring! 

Spring-themed jokes

Spring-themed Jokes

For Young Kids:

  1. Q: What did one baby chick say to the other on a sunny spring day?
    • A: You crack me up!
  2. Q: What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
    • A: Bugs Bunny!
  3. Q: What season is it when you are on a trampoline?
    • A: Spring!
  4. Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth?
    • A: A gummy bear!
  5. Why do bees have sticky hair in the spring?
    • Because they use honeycombs

For Tweens:

  1. Q: Why was the math book sad during spring?
    • A: It had too many problems!
  2. Q: How does a snowman feel when spring arrives?
    • A: Melt-ancholy!
  3. Q: Why did the bicycle fall over in the spring?
    • A: Because it was two-tired!
  4. Q: What’s a tree’s favorite month?
    • A: Sep-timber!
  5. What did one flower say to the other in the spring?
    • “Hi, bud!”
  6. Q: How do you organize a fantastic space-themed spring party?
    • A: You planet!

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